So, I just signed up for a continuing education class at the University of South Florida. Introduction to Photography. I think if I could go back I would have got my degree in the arts. I really enjoy taking pictures, so I am very excited. I am also excited because I am hoping to meet some cool people and make friends! This is one of the challenges I face living here by myself and not being in school. I do not get to see people my age every day and it is not easy being a single female and meeting decent people.
It sucks having moved from a place where I had a boyfriend who I saw every day and had friends just two steps out of my apartment door. However, this is a challenge I have been facing my whole life with moving around a lot. And I know I can get through it...it just seems to be a lot harder at this point in my life.
I said when I moved here I needed to get involved. I was on the right track when I first got here...but I fell off! So now I am trying again and will hopefully stick with it.
P.S. making friends is expensive.
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