Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am going to Park City, Utah next weekend to visit Brieanna and go snowboarding! I am going out with my good friend Mary and her co-worker. I am staying with Brieanna and my friend found a cute condo to rent right down the street. I cannot wait, I am sooooooooooooo ready :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

DAY TWO!!!!!!!!!!

Sadie enjoys destroying her toys...unlike cute Murphy who wants to sleep with his. :)


Monday, February 16, 2009

Erin's thoughtful Valentine's Day Gifts!

I have a wonderful sister that sent out V-day gifts for everyone, including my little animals!!! They love their new toys! Thanks Erin :) PLAY VIDEO BELOW!!!!!

Sorry, the picture is a lot darker than on my actual camera.

Oh and I got Jelly Belly's, a grow your own strawberry plant, and a sweet card. Thank you Erin <3

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Nicole and her animals...

Meet my new addition to the family!!! Ok, I am so kidding. My good friend Michelle came over one night and brought Abby (her tiny 11 year old yorkie). This is a very rare picture as you can see...and kind of funny. All these animals do not get along. Abby is terrified of big ol' Sadie. Sadie would not hurt her, but she wants to play! Toby did not mind Abby, but I think Abby was afraid of Toby too. So, I am not too sure what happened, but they all appeared on the couch together and I was able to grab my camera and take a picture without ONE of them moving...AMAZING. So, I thought I would share with everyone!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Since Scott came to visit me for my birthday...I thought I would suprise him with an early Christmas present. I took him to the Harley Davidson Dealership and we rented the Cross Bones and spent all day riding around. We met up with Erin and Moose to grab lunch. It was a nice day and I think Scott really enjoyed his suprise!